Thursday, May 17, 2012

SKU: 41754  Toddy 5x7 by Toddy Gear - Go-Go
SKU product name: Toddy 5x7 by Toddy Gear - Go-Go
Keywords for this sku:
Toddy 5x7 by Toddy Gear - Go-Go
Description for this Franklin Covey sku: 
The trouble with cell phones and our favorite touch screen devices is that we touch them. A lot. That makes them grimy fast. Here s a quick, sleek way to clean your gadgets without fluids. The Toddy is a designer cloth that will clean, buff, and polish your favorite devices until they're as clean as the day you bought them all in just a few strokes. No more fingerprints, no more dust, and no germs. And they're so gentle they won't leave a single scratch.

toddy gear by Go GO
Category for this Franklin Covey sku : see US New Products
Sale price on this sku: $ 
SKU Price:  $ 9.95 Retail price: $ 9.95 from price: $
Franklin Covey sku Toddy 5x7 by Toddy Gear - Go-Go Manufacturer id :
UPC code for this SKU 41754 Franklin Covey upc
Franklin Covey planner Toddy 5x7 by Toddy Gear - Go-Go sku: 41754
Third party ID :
Third party CATEGORY:
stock status for Toddy 5x7 by Toddy Gear - Go-Go:YES

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